If you’re a regular reader of Action Figure Blues, you’ll now that I am always ready to try a new line of toys, and often break my “rules” of things I don’t collect. I started off as an action figure only collector, then moved into statues - mini-busts first, thank you - before falling down the slippery Sideshow slopes of Premium Format Figures and Comiquettes - yes, that sobbing you hear is probably Andy’s wallet!
One collecting “slippery slope” I stayed away from as long as possible was Hot Toys. Their 12” figures are incredibly impressive, but not cheap, and I kept myself from crossing that particular line for as long as I could. The moment I saw the Hot Toys Ghost Rider with Hellcycle, which premiered at 2010’s San Diego Comic Con, I knew I was doomed. My fate was sealed when I found this for a great price (including free shipping) at the website of AFB Sponsor Popcultcha!
One that that has helped me stay away from Hot Toys for this long is that I’m not big on movie versions of characters, particularly at the Hot Toys price point, but if you set aside the Nicholas Cage head (which I’m ignoring in this review) this is a comic accurate figure. The addition of the amazing Hellcycle and light up features on both the figure and the giant accessory make this a real delight.
This is the first Hot Toys figure I’ve seen in person, so while I have appreciated the detail via the interwebs, this was my first chance to appreciate the craftsmanship up close, and craftsmanship it is. The Ghost Rider headsculpt is a thing of beauty. It is a mix of materials, with the flames encircling his skull made of a translucent material. His skull features a hinged jaw, allowing him to be posed with a closed or open mouth. The translucent flames support the figure’s light up feature, allowing the “flames” to glow rather brightly when the feature is switched on.
One thing that is a bit awkward about Ghost Rider’s light up feature is that you essentially have to remove the head to switch it on or off. This figure comes with a “flaming” neck wrap for Ghost Rider mode and the switch is underneath it. It makes it a tad too fiddly for my liking. I’ll persist, however, because the effect is very cool. I love the way the “flames” glow through his eyes as well as around his head. The detail on Ghost Rider’s leather outfit is simply stunning, from the stitching to the functioning belt to the real and working zips. There is an excellent integration of metal into these pieces, with a range of studs on the shoulders and forearms of Ghost Rider’s gloves. These are well attached and sturdy, so there are no concerns about them popping off through normal wear and posing.
The figure itself has the fantastic articulation you would expect from a Hot Toys 1:6 Scale figure. The leather outfit only slightly constrains Ghost Rider’s movement. He can easily be placed in a number of poses, including sitting easily on his Hellcycle. He comes with a second set of hands which means that he can either grasp his rifle or chain, or hold on to Hellcycle handlebars. Both the hands and head are easy to swap, not that I’ll be doing any head swapping!
The Hellcycle is a truly impressive construction. The detail on this is just unbelievable. This isn’t just a 1:6 scale motorcycle - it has amazing chrome detail throughout, and is highly articulated in its own right. I am truly blown away by what Hot Toys has accomplished with this piece.
The only small issue I’ve had with my Hellcycle is that on one side, the footrest and kickstand seem to have been inserted into reversed positions, making it a bit challenging to balance the Hellcycle. It’s not impossible by any means, and I may not even be correct about there being an error, but it seems a bit awkward. As I said, it doesn’t actually stop the cycle from standing or functioning in any way.
The light-up features on the Hellcycle are very easy to activate via a switch on the cycle’s undercarriage, and that’s a very good thing, because they’re fantastic. Light-up stuff is often quite tame in person, but these lights are actually quite bright and make a real impact. There is a fiery glow in both wheels and the top of the steering column, which shines through translucent flames on the wheels and smaller flames on the steering column that create a look like fiery eyes at the front of the bike. Most light-up features don’t get much use past the unpacking stage in my collection, but the lights on the Hellcycle are ones I keep coming back to, and I expect I will for quite some time. So, thus ends the tale of how I ticked one more collection milestone off my list and started down the Hot Toys slippery slope. You can look out for reviews of a few subsequent purchases shortly, and I *may* have a few more on pre-order as well. I have to say that if I had to lose my Hot Toys cherry, this really was a very enjoyable piece to do it with!
I really need Sideshow to come up with a few new high-end lines that I can not collect just to feel like I still have some boundaries....
You can see more pics at Facebook, discuss this at the AFB Forum, and you can comment on this post to enter the September AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
If you're in Australia, please do have a look at our sponsor Popcultcha for great deals (including free shipping on purchases over $99) on items from Hot Toys, Sideshow and more!
Until next time!
I mentioned last month that I would be attending the live recording of the 75th episode of the NonCanonical Podcast, which was held last Saturday night at my local comic shop, All Star Comics in Melbourne. I was very privileged to be a guest on the night and to be able to donate a prize on behalf of Action Figure Blues.
It was a great night, with a big crowd packing out All Star Comics and owners Mitch and Troy making excellent hosts. NonCanonical's Joe, Josh, Kane and Larry were all in fine form. It was quite surreal to watch something I'm used to just listening to, and yet on another level it wasn't that different from a normal episode. It had all the usual whackiness and free-flowing conversation we've come to expect from a great NonCanonical Episode!
The podcast is now up on the web and can be downloaded here. Alternatively, you can search "NonCanonical" at iTunes to download Episode 75 or any other earlier episodes, and subscribe for future eps. I've had a listen and it has come together brilliantly!
If you'd like to check out a great set of pics from the night, Gestalt Comics' Bobby.N has a great post up at his blog.
Congratulations to the team from NonCanonical, and here's to another 75 great episodes!
I’ve mentioned before that the great folks at Statue Marvels regularly do Non-US collectors a huge service by helping us get a hold of exclusives from the Bowen Designs website, which sells to the US only. The most recent piece I’ve received with their help is the Bowen Exclusive Hela Mini-Bust, which was released earlier this year.
Hela is another great addition to the Bowen Asgardian ranks, with the Warriors Three, The Enchantress and Beta Ray Bill all coming in one form or another in the last year or so and new Museum and Action Thor Statues on the way. It’s a good time to be a Thor fan and a Bowen fan!
The first thing to say about the Asgardian Goddess of Death is that there’s not much “mini” about this bust. Thanks to her expansive headdress, Hela is more definitely a “wide load” bust - be prepared for a larger than average box and a bust that will need plenty of display room! The headdress is beautifully sculpted, and while I wouldn’t want to test the materials with harsh treatment, they do have a bit of give so the “branches” of Hela’s ornate headpiece are unlikely to be snapped off by a slight bump.
This is another Mike Cusanelli sculpt. Cusanelli has worked on several Bowen ladies of late, and once again has done a very solid job. Hela’s costume has appeared in many, many forms, and while this isn’t the classic light green and black gear, it also isn’t one of her more revealing modern costumes. This is more of an armoured look, and the detail on this piece is stunning, with the ridges of Hela’s costume clearly defined.
Paint work on this bust is flawless. The colour choices are pitch perfect, with the greens complimenting each other very nicely. The thin ridges on Hela’s costume could create an issue for a lesser paint job, but this is beautiful work. The metallic edge to the paint really lifts the entire piece to another level.I’ve had cause a few time to rag on Cusanelli for his posing, and I do have to make a little comment here. I find many of his arm and hand poses lacking in energy, and there is an element of this here as well. I’m not sure if it’s the angle of the arms or the position of the hands, but the pose doesn’t end up looking as powerful it should. It’s a minor complaint, and a giant step up from the rather awful Firestar bust, but still something I’m disappointed to see recurring.
The second small issue is the base of this piece. In an unusual move for Bowen busts, Hela comes with a fairly low base, and then a disc of the same size to stand it on for more height if desired. In terms of where I would like to place Hela in my Asgard bust display, she still comes up a bit short with this extra height, but seems likely that a taller base would have made a piece so wide unstable, so a lower base with options for height is a nice touch.
I’m sure we have the Thor movie to thank for this recent run of fantastic Asgardian characters from Bowen. Whatever the cause, I’m very grateful! Now we really just need the previewed but not yet solicited Sif bust to complete the cast!
You can see more pics at Facebook, discuss this at the AFB Forum, and you can comment on this post to enter the September AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
Until next time!
I don’t know what it is about Bizarro that makes him a must-buy character for me. It probably is his Silver Age roots, supported by his more recent appearances in some of Jim Starlin’s DC work. Whatever nastiness modern age writers have instilled in him at times, there’s something inherently goofy about Bizarro that gives him an appeal to me, and that’s what hooked me in to my purchase of the DC Direct Ultimate Showdown Superman vs. Bizarro Statues.
Tim Bruckner has a long history with DC Direct, and of late has been sculpting specific lines such as the fabulous DC Dynamics Series as opposed to one-off pieces. The Ultimate Showdown Series is his latest effort, and it’s quite a different concept. Each statue sits on a rotating disc within its own hexagonal base, allowing the collector to display the pieces at a range of angles. Further, each statue has an articulated neck for extra posing options.
Bruckner’s Superman is a very classic version of our favourite Kryptonian, and I’m not just talking about the now-extinct red trunks - the headsculpt is very Silver Age, and the whole piece looks like it could have sprung right off the pages of a vintage comic. He is the taller figure of the two, perfect for being posed as the eventual victor of whatever battle you design. The pose is quite dynamic, with Superman in the air looking ready to land or defend a punch from his mixed-up foe.
It’s a beautiful statue, but I have two reservations. The first is just a niggle: his left hand, which is outstretched, looks a little bit oversized, like it would fully cover his head. It might just be the angle, but it does look a bit odd to me. The second is his facial expression - for something called “Ultimate Showdown”, Superman doesn’t look particularly showdown-y - I would have loved a more focused or even angry expression. Like I said, it’s a really good looking piece, but perhaps lacks the “oomph” needed for this set. You could never fault Bruckner’s sculpting, but the expression needed more in this reviewer’s humble opinion.
Bizarro is an interesting contrast to the very classic looking Superman, as he’s depicted here in his more Modern Age “zombified” incarnation - not my favourite of Bizzy’s “looks”. The modern, hulking Bizarro strays too far away from the original idea of a “reverse Superman” of sorts for me. I realise that his Silver Age look would be far too cartoonish for today’s comics, but I don’t quite get the leap to zombie. My Bizarro two cents on that one.
Whatever you think of the way Bizarro is depicted in this day and age, Bruckner has executed the look very well. Brucker has really gone for the bizarre in this sculpt, and the pose itself is rather unusual, creating a cumbersome and unwieldy sort of look which suits Bizarro to a tee.
The headsculpt is suitably garish, and I especially like the that his cape and uniform aren’t just rippped and tattered versions of Superman’s uniform, but have a different texture as well. It’s intricate stuff and beautifully detailed, especially for the scale.The rotating bases and articulated necks are a great idea, but there are limitations to their usefulness. There is only a limited range in either direction whereby the necks can be rotated and look natural, and only a limited range of angles the statues can be placed at where they appear to be relating to each other. It’s a great concept, but it doesn’t end up being quite as flexible as I had expected it to be.
The bases themselves are interesting. As well as the rotating features, there are several pieces adorning the base, including Starro spores. I’m not totally clear on their purpose, but they definitely add to the overall picture.
One thing to note is that these are not large pieces - Superman comes in at 8.5” while Bizarro is shorter. These are along the line of a Batman Black & White statue or a DC Universe Online piece rather than the larger DCD “Vs” statues such as Batgirl vs. Catwoman, etc. This isn’t a drawback for me since display space is at a premium at my place, but it is something be aware of for the prospective buyer.
All up, this adds nicely to my Bizarro collection, but I’m not enamored enough with the piece to buy other sets in the line - unless Aquaman makes an appearance of course, which means I’m probably safe from any more purchases.
You can see more pics at Facebook, discuss this at the AFB Forum, and you can comment on this post to enter the September AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
Until next time!
* The title of this post is Bizarro speak - I'm quite happy with it, really!
Another month has come and gone, and that means another round of “Ask Matty” answers at AFB! This month we cover the order of release of the WWE Fan Choice figures, the DCUC Legion Boxed Set release date, MOTUC price limits and what “no more waves” of DCUC at retail really means.
Over to Matty!
Q: Will the WWE Legends figures who win the fan choice be released according to most votes first? And are we guaranteed to see the five winners or could low sales see some of them unreleased?
A: Great question. The 2012 MattyCollector.com Legends are not being released in order of most votes first. In creating the schedule, we had to look at which figures were feasible to pull off in a short amount of time (like DDP) vs. which figures will take a while to design (like Miss Elizabeth). We also wanted to make sure Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were released one after the other since they are best known as a tag team. And like any figure line, we can only continue Legends if the fans support it.
Q: Can you please explain what "no more waves" for DCUC (or whatever it becomes) means exactly? How will future figures appear at retail?
A: Instead of appearing in waves, figures will simply be in mixes. This means that you’ll see a few figures on shelf at a time, but not an entire wave of figures, united by a theme or a collect-and-connect figure.
Q: The MOTUC Star Sisters set will cost $60 and is part of the subscription for 2012. For those who would like to try and budget for the expense of the subs is there a price ceiling for items that are included in the subscriptions?
A: Granamyr will be $80.00 which is why we did not include him in the sub.
Q: We are looking forward to the Legion of Superheroes DCUC Boxed Set! Are there are other larger selections of characters like this in the pipeline?
A: We loved creating the Legion of Superheroes pack! If large packs with a collection of characters make sense in the future, it’s definitely something that we’d explore again. In the interim, be sure to visit Mattycollector.com on October 17 to pick up your Legion of Superheroes pack!
Q: Could you explain the reason that you prefer subscriptions over a pre-order system for individual products?
A: It helps us control inventory and reduce logistical errors.
Want to give your own answers? You discuss this at the AFB Forum, and you can comment on this post to enter theSeptember AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
You can also add your thoughts to our future Matty Q&As either here or at the forum - please join in!
Until next time!