Gambit started his X-Men career just after I gave up comics for an extended period, and was all over the place when I came back to it. I’ve read many stories which featured Gambit, but I can’t say I’ve ever read a great one. Despite that, he’s a visually striking character and a very significant character in the life of one of my favourite X-Men, Rogue, so I have always been a bit interested in him. I’m seriously regretting not buying the Sideshow Premium Format Gambit now that we know Rogue is coming!
Marvel Select has been producing a good range of X-related characters of late, allowing collectors to do a bit of team building which is a bit unusual for the MS range. We’ve recently had Cyclops, Juggernaut and Magneto, and Colossus is on the way. Gambit is one of the most interesting inclusions yet and gives hope to see some other non A-list characters down the line.

The headsculpt on this figure is really outstanding. It’s very comic accurate and has some brilliant detail. Gambit’s costume is also very nicely sculpted, with nice touches like the edges on his outfit and ridges on his boots being sculpted detail instead of just painted on.
Gambit’s trenchcoat is beautifully sculpted and detailed. It has a lilt in it as though it is flowing in the breeze and some beautiful detail. Part of this detail is achieved by a paint wash to add depth, but there is also a fair bit of customised sculpting in both the wrinkles in the jacket and its trim. It’s an impressive effort. Despite it’s size, the trenchcoat doesn’t keep the figure from standing up and being posed.
If you like accessories, they are present in this pack with great abundance. I sometimes struggle with the normal sized characters being value for money in this line, but Gambit comes with enough different gear that I don’t mind the price.

Gambit comes with a display base which can join together with Cyclops’ base to form a Danger Room backdrop which will grow as further characters are released. This is a great idea and more useful to me than some of the larger bases that are great in theory but impossible for me to use because of the space involved.
It’s great to see the Marvel Select line continue to go from strength to strength, and I’m particularly pleased to see some team building happening in this line at long last. I’m looking forward to Colossus joining the team, and very hopeful to see the likes of Storm, Nightcrawler and others sooner rather than later!
You can see more pics at Facebook, discuss this at the AFB Forum, and you can comment on this post to enter the August AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
Until next time!
uhmmm, one of the best efforts from the Marvel Select line indeed... everything seems in the right place here... a figure i would consider to own...
As good as it gets for a guy who wears pink. It's Raj that can't stand Gambit. Nice one Andy!
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