Over at the AFB Forum, we have a very clever group of customisers who post their work in our customs board, called "The Originals". As a new monthly feature at AFB, I'll be shining the spotlight one of these great pieces of work each month. There's a bit of twist though: I chose the first figure to be featured, which was fishmilshake's excellent Gladiator, reviewed here, but from here on in it will be the responsibility of the chosen customiser to choose the next custom (not their own work) to be featured. FMS has chosen an excellent piece by our good friend Starman. Stars has very impressive skills, especially when you learn that he does all of his painting freehand! With that, it's over to Stars once again to take us through his great effort!:
This piece was one of a set of characters from Giant Sized X-Men #1 that was commissioned.
There was a lot of hesitation on my part before I started this piece. The varied design elements looked pretty daunting to me. Luckily, I took my time and I ended up thoroughly enjoying the process of creating this figure. In the end, I was sad to see him go, but I know he made my client happy.

Parts used:
ML Hawkeye head cast
DCUC Captain Atom torso
DCUC Copperhead legs, arms and crotch
Testors Model Masters Acryl - Flat White (basecoat for all but chainmail)
Testors Model Master Acryl - Guards Red
Testors Model Masters Acryl - Semi-gloss White
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Red Gore
Flames, eyes:
Different mixtures of:
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Blood Red
Testors Model Master Acryl - Insignia Yellow
Front Mask:
Mix of:
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Red Gore
Testors Model Master Acryl - Insignia Yellow
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Blood Red
Back mask:
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Red Gore
Jewel, Eye flames:
Testors Model Master Acryl - Insignia Yellow
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Yellow Ink (topcoat)
Games Workshop/ Citadel - Elf Flesh

Sculpted elements:
Mask built-up using Games Workshop Green Stuff
Cracked open the Copperhead torso. Removed arms and lower half at waist.
Then cracked open the Captain Atom torso to add arms and lower half.
Dremelled the head to fit the neck post.
Painted all parts separately then put figure back together.
After the body was completed I sculpted the elements for the head then painted it up.
All painting was done freehand. I do this to increase my skill level. I personally do not mask, as I like the challenge of painting without a guide.
Many thanks to Stars for taking the time to write up this thorough explanation of his great work! We'll have another Custom Spotlight next month with a custom of Stars' choosing!
You discuss this at the AFB Forum and comment on this post to enter the March AFB Comment of the Month Contest!
Also, don’t forget to check out the two contests we have going at the moment: the “That ‘70s Custom” Custom Contest and the second round of our first “Toy Lines!” Caption Contest!
Until next time!
That's an amazing piece. Love this character and love the custom! Good one!!
That looks really well done!
That's one really tight custom dude. Great write-up too. I love reading other people's recipes, not necessarily to make that particular figure but just to see how other customizers approach things. Thanks!
it’s a fabulous work there !!! personally, i’m trying to begin some paint jobs... not in this kind of figures, but in mecha model kits =)
Thanks guys!
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