
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

AFB December Comment of the Month Contest – with a Twist!

First off, thanks to everyone who commented on last month’s blog posts. Congratulations to “Kyle” for winning the November Comment Contest! Kyle – please get in touch with me – probably easiest to do so through the AFB Forum. Once we hear from Kyle his choice of either the Blackest Night Series Two Kryb or Marvel Select Kree Captain Marvel will be on the way from Mike’s Comics N’ Stuff.

Now to December’s Contest: on offer are two great prizes, with a twist: the winner will be able to choose either from the DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Shark or the Marvel Minimates Infinity Gauntlet Boxed Set. The twist? Well, it’s the Christmas month after all, so it’s time to be giving! In the Christmas Spirit, if you are a member of the AFB Forum and your comment is chosen, you will win both prizes!

Here’s a reminder of the basic contest rules:

  • every genuine comment on a post from the calendar month will be eligible for receiving the prize. I’m going to stick to my own time zone and call it at 23:59:59 Australian Eastern Standard Time – best to comment often and comment early!
  • if my super scientific randomizer comment selector system chooses an Anonymous comment, I’ll skip it and go again – you need to leave a name, a link, your AFB Forum username or email addy so that I can contact you if you are the winner. Blogger comments allows you to do this.
  • you will be given a choice of one of the two figures on offer from the month’s contest – figures will be in their original packaging – for this month only, if the selected comment belongs to a member of the AFB Forum, the winner will win both prizes!
  • figures will be sent by first class mail within the US (Mike is sending them, remember) and first class international to any overseas winner. An overseas winner can elect to chip in for Priority Mail or Insurance, but otherwise we can’t take any responsibility for a parcel that doesn’t arrive – after this is coming out of AFB’s  not dreadfully deep pockets!

Once again, thanks to Mike for making this all possible for us, and here’s to another happy month of commenting!

Until next time!


Westy said...

Congratulations mystery-man Kyle. You've got a tough choice ahead.

Tom Freak said...

Man, this blog should be a TV show, so we in the audience would be able to yell at the winner things like:

"Get Kryb! Get Kryb! Choose door number 2!"

Nice twist on the Christmas contest Andy.

fishmilkshake said...

That's really cool the way, does....

fishmilkshake said...

...the number of posts you make have any affect....

fishmilkshake said...

....on your chances of winning? In case people abuse the system, etc.

Westy said...

FMS, you scoundrel! That, as they say, is the most.

Kyle said...

thanks guys, that's awesome. I didn't know I was a mystery man since it has me sign in to comment through my google account. Who should I message on the forum?

Scott said...

Hi Kyle - I have sent you a PM on the AFB Forum to sort out your prize details. Your Google profile is set to private (probably a wise thing) so I couldn't contact you through there.

Chat soon!

Scott (Andy on the forum)

ryanlb said...

Congrats kyle!

Never cared for the minimates personally, but DCUC is my toy line of choice.
Good luck to people.

Anonymous said...

Mike is the new Santa. The old guy kept letting me down, being fictional and all.

Comicinker said...

Thankfully I have resisted any urge to get Marvel Universe figures (except those that came with Gigantic Battles). Now if only they would get the yellow-and-blue Goliath here instead of them all being red-and-blue.

Really enjoy your reviews and Happy Holidays!

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