Something to do with the gratuitous representation of women in comics and the fact that we have two young daughters and (you know that sound that all the adults on Charlie Brown make when they speak? Yeah, that's what I heard)
Currently seeking one centrally located friend who will allow me to keep this one at his place and come to look at it often.........
Oh, and to the self-righteous prick who always complains when I post anything about my wife, she, unlike you, has a sense of humour.........
My heart really goes out to you. Family's more important.
She looks awesome. You may need to consider buying a unit somewhere and set PeeGee up ....
It's reading things like this that makes me appreciate how cool my wife is. She never tells me what I can or can't get (even though, let's face it, I'm using HER money to buy it since she makes a lot more than I do) and she would never presuppose to use my hobby to make some statement to support HER beliefs about female objectification (blah blah blah) even if she did think it.
Of course, I still won't be getting Power Girl either, because of the vacant stare I don't like and because I am doing a good job of shaming myself into not buying many more action figures for so much money without any outside help from any domestic coordinator.
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